Kundalini Yoga er en aktiv og dynamisk yogaform, der styrker kroppen, balancerer nervesystemet og giver en meditativ oplevelse af nærvær.

Gennem fysiske øvelser, åndedrætsøvelser, meditation og mantra aktiveres kroppens energisystem, herunder både flowet af livsenergi i kroppens meridianbaner (prana) og kundalini- eller bevidsthedsenergien i rygsøjlen. Dette giver en udrensende, vitaliserende og helende effekt på krop, sind og ånd og du vil efter denne time opleve, at tage hjem med fornyet livsenergi.

Alle kan deltage uanset niveau.
Timen foregår på engelsk.

All of that every wednesday, starting from the 3rd January.

There is a special subscription offer for all registration before 01.01.2024

for 199dkk.

This will give you an access as a member of Urkraft

to all the weekly team sessions.

You can see here all the choices you will have .https://www.urkraftstudio.dk/holdplan

Hope to see you soon,

Merry Krisna and Happy new You !

Prana means Breathing, Vital Force or Energy,

Yama means Practice, control and regulation.

During these 45 minutes of pranayama, we will study, reflect, but above all we will practice breathing exercises such as those that I learned and received from these ancient yogic traditions of India and the world: Long and deep breathing, cardio regulation through breathing and breath retention, self-control of breathing skills, fire breathing or Kapalabhati, cooling breathing or Sitali refreshing breathing, Anuloma viloma or nadi shodhana alternative breathing, Ujjayee or victorious breathing, etc.

A great moment of Vital force and relaxation !

All the teaching will be provided in english as i am still in the process of my Danish language improvement.

All of that every wednesday, starting from the 3rd January.
There is a special subscription offer for all registration before 01.01.2024 for 199dkk.
This will give you an access as a member of

Urkraft to all the weekly team sessions.

You can see here all the choices you will have .https://www.urkraftstudio.dk/holdplan

Hope to see you soon,
Merry Krisna and Happy new You !

Ayurvedisk Abhyanga massage

Hver Onsdag

I Urkraft Studio

I Faaborg

Kl. 13.00
Kl. 14:10
Kl. 15:15

I invite you to take a moment for yourself with this 45 min

Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage.

You will be welcome with a hot cup of Ayurvedic tea,

in a nice room and you will receive a relaxing and gentle massage

with warm organic oil adapted to your needs :

We will define your constitution as known as ( Vāta-Pitta- Kapha)

and then choose what is the best oil for you, sesame, coconut or sunflower.

Benefits of applying oil to the body (abhyaṅga):

Produces softness, strength and color to the body
Decreases the effects of aging
Bestows good vision
Nourishes the body
Increases longevity
Benefits sleep patterns
Benefits skin
Strengthens the body’s tolerance
Imparts a firmness to the limbs
Imparts tone and vigor to the dhātus (tissues) of the body
Stimulates the internal organs of the body, increasing circulation
Pacifies vāta and pitta and harmonizes kapha

About my experiences :

I have been practicing massage for more than 20 years

with over 500 hours of study and practice on myself and others.

I have been initiated into massage with many different traditions.

I studied reflexology with more than 100 hours

and then practiced Buddhist massage during my 5-month solitary retreat.

Then I studied Ayurvedic massage and medicine with two teachers who studied intensively in India, I have more than 200 hours of study and practice in this field.

I also practiced and studied tantric and sensual massage for more than 200 hours.

All the sharing will take place in English,

as I am still working on improving my Danish language.

The session is 45min. for 450kr

Registration by email or phone
cedric.dlv@gmail.com or 50380033
Cancellation no more than 24hrs before.

For you to think about before the appointement

There is 3 constitutions : Vāta, Pitta, Kapha.

The primary qualities of vāta are dry, light, cool, rough, subtle and mobile.

The primary qualities of pitta are: oily, sharp, hot, light, fleshy-smelling,

spreading and liquid.

The main qualities of kapha are unctuous, cool, heavy, slow,

smooth, soft and static.

Here is a quiz for you to self determinate your Doshas ( constitution):

The following quiz will help you determine which constitutional influences, or doshas, are most prominently affecting your health and well-being. This knowledge will allow you to follow specific recommendations to bring your

health into balance for your particular needs.

Please answer YES or NO to the following questions based on what rings true for you.

Section A

I have always been thin and gangly. Yes or No
I lose weight easily and I have difficulty gaining it. Yes or No
I prefer a warm climate and don’t like wind and cold. Yes or No
My hair tends to be curly and dry. Yes or No
My skin tends to be rough and dry. Yes or No
When under stress I tend to become anxious and/or fearful. Yes or No

Section B

I have a medium build with medium bone structure. Yes or No
I enjoy competitive activities and enjoy physical or intellectual challenges. Yes or No
I prefer a cool climate to a warm one. Yes or No
I dislike heat, especially humid heat and feel easily fatigued by it. Yes or No
I have a sharp, aggressive mind. Yes or No
My digestion and appetite tends to be strong and I get irritable when I’m hungry.

Yes or No
When under stress I tend to become easily frustrated, impatient, or angry. Yes or No

Section C

I have a sturdy constitution and a large bone structure. Yes or No
I’ve always been a little overweight. Yes or No
I gain weight easily and have difficulty losing it. Yes or No
I tend to have excess mucous. Yes or No
My hair is a thick and lustrous. Yes or No
My energy and stamina are consistent. Yes or No
When under stress I become withdrawn, unmotivated, and resistant to change.

Yes or No

If you answer YES to three or more statements in Section A,

you have a primarily vata constitution.

If you answer YES to three or more statements in Section B,

you have a primarily pitta constitution.

If you answer YES to three or more statements in Section C,

you may have a primarily kapha constitution.

If your answers are split between two or three of the sections, you are bi- or tridoshic.

What to bring for the Abhyanga session ?
A water bottle, a big towel for the table and a warm blanket for your body,

please note that both will get oil on it.

Past Events

Plus d'informations : Re~Union France 2023

My prayer has come from the depth ... I want to meet my Fire of Truth!
And it came !!! First inside me, calm, central, alive, vibrant, reinforcing my peace, my joy of being, offering me Confidence and Consciousness.
Then outside of me, with his blue eyes, his sandals, and his tipi! (...)
CedricA Lathus France 2012

During this week of vision quest organized by Cédric, where I was a facilitator for a friend, I experienced great closeness to the beauty of nature and all of creation, in this welcoming place like a large garden. I felt in great communion especially with the fire, the animals, the flowers and all the surrounding landscape.

CG July 2011 "In the Loire et Cher region" France

Here, Cédric, the sweet memory of the Sweat Lodge that I have in my heart!
"I met the tender Mother and her Children in a space-time
gift. I had long dreamed of knowing the Voyage from the hut to sweating.
Cédric was therefore the initiator, and I am grateful to him.
I lived Instants of great inner smiles, a serenity
shared with the hosts, of animal, plant and human species, which
hadn't lived in me since ... An immensity of solitude ...
Gratitude! "
I. 2009 Brocéliande

I've had the opportunity to work with Cedric for some time through sweat lodges, shamanic journeys, vision quests, spiritual retreats, and self-care. This helped me a lot at a time in my life where I was kind out of shape and a big change. I've been able to face my share of shadows, my fears, my denials with Cedric's benevolent help. He helped me a lot with what I feared but had to go see. I really felt like he knew how to push me where I needed to, when he needed to. It hasn't always been easy but totally necessary and I really feel like I've accomplished a molt at this point in my life. Really thankful for my guides and Cedric because working with him really helps me move a lot of things. Thank you, Cedric, i highly recommend!!

«Solene DL Nantes France 2021»

Cédric is a powerful guide of ceremony and a healer that helped me reconnect to myself and my spiritual path. He knows when it’s important to be exigent but he knows also encourage and support when it’s needed. He’s a guide, a teacher, a help, a friend, a brother of light that gives him totally in the pursuit of being oneself and help other to find their light and totally realize themselves and manifest their divinity.
J.S in Vienne France 2012